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NOW AND OUT - Gamify Emotional and Thought Regulation


NOW AND OUT gamifies emotional regulation, making it easier to train yourself to stay present and engaged with your thoughts.

It helps you identify the source(s) of reactions and categorizes challenges into what you can and cannot control directing where to concentrate your energy.

How to Play NOW AND OUT:

  1. Ask Yourself: Are You Okay Right Now? Pause for a moment. No distractions. Focus on right here and right now. Are you okay in this very moment? Do this repeatedly until you can pinpoint what is really triggering your reaction.

  2. Identify the Source Most of the time, what is triggering your reaction does not pose immediate danger—it is not life-threatening, but it feels like it is. Identifying the trigger is a major step toward regulation.

  3. Categorize the Challenge Once you have identified the source, sort it into two categories:

    • What you can control

    • What you cannot control.

    Much of what stresses or worries you is outside your control.

  4. Focus on Control Your power is in what you can control: your reactions, your decisions, your effort. Focus all your energy here, even if it is just a small piece at a time. Big challenges can be broken down into smaller, more manageable parts.

  5. Release What You Cannot Control Letting go of what you can not control is a victory. Acknowledge what you can not control and consciously release it. This understanding is liberating.

Emotional balance is not about eliminating or ignoring challenges but navigating through them with self-awareness.

Every time emotions threaten to derail you, return to the game:

  • Pause.

  • Identify the trigger.

  • Categorize it into control or no control.

  • Focus on what is in your control.

  • Let go of the rest.

The concept of the NOW AND OUT is being developed by Will von Bolton at Becoming Conscious.

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